Lord Henry's Glorious Celebration (Divine 3th)
--Spell Point Cost: 20.
--Conjuration (Healing) [Law, Civilized]
--Components: V, S, Special: A successful encounter.
--Casting Time: 1 round (cannot be cast in combat, and must be cast within n rounds of the end of the associated encounter, where n is equal to 1/5th of your caster level, rounded down, minimum 1)
--Range: 60ft.
--Targets: any number of creatures within range. All targets must have participated in the successful encounter that this spell is tied to. If you did not participate in the associated encounter, you cannot be a target, but the spell still works.
--Duration: 1 round/level (D); see text
--Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
--Description: With a shout of "Top-notch work, gents!", you conjure floating trays of muffins, crumpets, and other munchies as you stride around firmly shaking hands with your fellows.
--Details: You conjure trays of delicious food to heal and bolster the targets of the spell. The targets all gain fast healing equal to (1 + the CR of the encounter - their ECL, minimum 0, maximum of your caster level) until the spell ends, as well as gaining 10 temporary hit points every round, which last for 5 rounds/level after the spell ends. The targets also gain +1 to attack rolls, saves, and Personality-based checks for 1 min/level. The celebration imposes a -4 penalty on Spot and Listen checks within the range of the spell, and all targets have -4 to Initiative checks.
--Special: If the spell is dispelled before the duration expires, the penalties to Spot, Listen, and Initiative persist for the remainder of the duration as the party winds down. The spell is automatically dispelled if combat involves any of the spell's targets. Also, the party counts as a meal for the purposes of food and water consumption, even for those in the area who are not targets of the spell (These people are known as "moochers").

Lord Henry's Peaceful Teatime (Arcane 4th)
--Spell Point Cost: 45.
--Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Law, Civilized]
--Components: V, S, M, F
--Casting Time: 1 standard action
--Range: 60ft.
--Targets: You, and up to 1 creature/level, within range.
--Duration: Concentration (standard action), up to 1 round/level
--Saving Throw: Will Partial: Those who make the save, and those immune to mind-affecting, are not part of the tea party, but instead take a cumulative -2 to all saves against spells with the Civilized descriptor for the rest of the day.
--Description: With a shout of "It's Teatime!", you take a sip of tea from your cup and conjure a large tea table into existence, with seats for all involved.
--Details: You conjure a large tea table, complete with tea and seats comfortable for all targets. All targets take their places at the table, and are now wearing monocles. Those at the tea table can see and hear the outside world as normal if they so desire, but nothing external can affect the tea party, and those inside can only take a limited set of actions:
---Debate (standard action): the target using this action chooses another target at the table. The two make opposed diplomacy checks, and the loser has his monocle pop off and fall into his tea. A target cannot use the Debate action if their monocle is not in place.
---Concentrate (standard action, caster only): The caster must concentrate in order to keep the spell going. This means he cannot use the Debate or Retrieve Monocle actions, except by forgoing concentration, causing the spell to cease at the end of his turn. He can still oppose other targets' Debate actions, and can still sip his tea.
---Sip Tea (move action): the target using this action takes a delicious sip of their tea. If a target fails to take a sip of their tea on their turn, their monocle pops off into their tea at the end of their next turn. This can be avoided by taking a long draught on the next turn as a full round action, which negates the missed sip penalty, and also counts as a sip for that turn. If a target tries to use Sip Tea while their monocle is in their tea, there is a 50% chance that they begin choking on their monocle (Fortitude save or go unconscious until spell ends, successful save means that no tea was drunk, and monocle is back in tea cup).
---Retrieve Monocle (full round action): the target using this action retrieves their monocle from their tea cup, restoring it to the proper place. The target can alternatively restore another target's monocle to the proper place, but only if their own monocle is in place.
When the spell expires, the tea table and chairs disappear, and combat resumes. Those targets with their monocle still in place get to keep it (worth 50gp), and those who did not have their monocle in place are stunned for 1 round.
--Focus: A tea cup worth at least 100gp, and a monocle worth at least 50gp.
--Material Component: one cup of tea worth at least 2gp per cup, which must be drunk from the tea cup used as a focus.