so D&D Adventures I guess I'll start by finishing off the Sunday Game when last we left our heroes, they were sleeping in a Frost Giant cave yaay, dnd adventure time! the only one who didn't get any sleep was the Ranger, who is now seriously angry from lack of sleep so sometime during the night, a whole pile of snow covered the cave entrance and the ranger decides he's going to dig himself out after about 30 minutes of hard digging, he manages to break out on the other side at which point I cast Baleful Transposition, which puts me outside and him back in the cave which just makes him madder anyway, we eventually all get out of the cave and the maid, after a long night of hard David Bowie sex, bids us farewell for now O_o anyway, we make it out of the mountains and arrive at one of Italy's border towns, with Germany on the far side and we all make it into the town without incident, except for the Gnoll the guards obviously don't let him in, so he tries to sneak in over the wall so he starts flying over the wall, except one of the walltop guards spots him and yells for help and the Gnoll decides that he needs to quiet this guy, so he flies down and grabs the guy but of course, the other guards had already heard the yell, so they all converge on the lone guard and gnoll snowball situation the deadliest of things in rpg's so there's one gnoll and a terrified guard, surrounded by a whole squad of other guards, and the Gnoll is ignoring the other guards and just holding his hand over the lone guard's mouth and going "SSSSHHHH!!!" so once he notices the other guards, he flies away into the forest ... and I just realized I totally forgot to tell you guys about the ZOMBIES! zombies Nazi Zombies? * Nuke gets chansaw-rocket launcher not Nazi Zombies so after the Satyr joins the party, but before the Frost Giant, we get sent to this town that's been overrun with zombies so we're on the outside wall of this town, looking down at a town full of Zombies and not much else and we decide the best course of action is not to run the hell away, but instead for the Succubus to cast Desecrate on the ground below, as it'll ATTRACT ALL THE ZOMBIES RIGHT TO US! so we gather all the zombies below us, and we start setting them on fire SWEET! so soon all the zombies are on fire, and slowly re-dying, when out of nowhere comes this HUGE ZOMBIE WHOA!!! and the huge zombie looks up at us on top of the wall and decides to PUNCH THROUGH THE WALL huge zombies are atracted by the smell of burning rotten flesh OH NOES!!! so the wall starts collapsing, and it climbs up and attacks us we manage to kill it, but the zombies are starting to come up after us and the Gnoll finds a magic item similar to Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments on the body of the huge zombie, except it's unlimited uses and can copy precious metals Oohh. so much potential for abuse also, it's only a standard action to do anything up to medium size with a DC of less than 10 so the Gnoll looks at the horde of zombies, and at the pigments, and back at the zombies, and says "Don't worry guys, I got this." now every time he's said this in the past, he's had a terrible plan that has never worked so we're worried that he's going to do something stupid like throw the pigment on the zombies and make more rotting flesh Yeah. That's a classic famous last word there but instead, he runs over to the wall and draws a big circle with the pigments and it turns into a big stone cylinder, which he then Sparta-kicks down towards the zombies and it flattens nearly half of the remaining zombies SWEET! Awesome which was the crowning moment of the night so, back to the Gnoll trying to get into the town so he's failed to get in over the wall and his player, Blaed (who cares how it's spelled, his given name is essentially BLADE DUEL), gets this crazy look in his eyes so the Gnoll walks up to a tree, and draws a mustache with the pigments so now he's got a wooden mustache Treebeard! Ho hum! and he holds the mustache in front of his face, walks up to the gate, and starts making British Aristocrat grunts and harumphs (you know the ones I mean) and the guards get a 1 for Sense Motive, so they let him in the gate, convinced that he's a high-class Brit! the rule of cool once again goes into effect Sense motive? It's a gnoll for crying out loud. Shouldn't they get a sense 2m height and sense smell check too? don't question it I don't see a difference between the standard description of British Nobility and your description of the Gnoll. :P Well. Good point so now we're in town, and my Satyr is sick of working for this "Master" guy without pay and without any good loot so he uses his Charm Person effect and robs the magic items store at which point we have to leave town again so we make it into Germany, finally now we've got to make it across Germany to the Rhineland, to acquire certain magic items we can't find anywhere else time for beer! And wenches! And sauerkraut :/ so we're making our way through Germany, when we stumble upon an Orc camp and when I say Orc Camp, I mean 200+ fully-grown male Orcs ready for battle A small battalion D: so most of us have the common sense to leave well enough alone Why do I suspect your gnoll does not? :D however, the Gnoll decides that since he's Chaotic Evil, and the Orcs are Chaotic Evil, they'll get along fine, and walks into the camp Yes. Because chaotic is so predictable and evil are so friendly to other evils :p so he walks in, and gets taken to the leader which is an Eye of Grumsh (sp), with a permanency: Enlarge Person on it so the Gnoll whips out his pipe and begins smoking the drugs he got from the monk we knocked out anyway, it turns out that the Orc tribe uses only two things as currency: Drugs and the Flesh of other creatures and, it just so turns out, the Gnoll is suddenly rich! the entire campaign, he's been collecting spoils from his kills he's got the Frost Giant head, a whole bunch of human heads, and 11 pounds of assorted human flesh which he trades for a vicious Elf-bane Greataxe which doesn't go over too well with the Elven Pedophile Ranger anyway, we leave the Orc camp, and walk for a mile or two more before we make camp the first two watches go smoothly, and then it's the Elf Ranger's turn all of a sudden, the DM starts rolling d10s. Lots of d10s. Uh oh Major uh oh heh... still remember the horror from shadowrun when instead of usual couple of of NPC shooting dices GM picked up a dozen or so... the DM asks the Ranger for Spot and Listen checks, and when those fail, a Will Save, which he also fails the DM then announces that the rest of us need to make Listen checks (with a -10 penalty for sleeping) to hear the Ranger die in a single hit Heh only I make it O: the battle commences, and it turns out we're fighting a Tiefling Shadowmind the Succubus dies, and the Paladin gets reduced to 0 hp, when we decide it might be time to run We being... how many left? uh Nymph, Gnoll, Paladin on his flying mount, and me Ah right, paladin's mount can still get him out despite 0 hps except the shadowmind manages to catch the Paladin, knock him off his mount, and he gets captured Or not :p so at this point we're down 3 party members after a single battle we continue heading north, and after a day, the Paladin gets returned to us, with a warning that next time we won't be so lucky at which point the "Master" decides we need to be brought to Japan, so we're teleported onto a boat and start the long journey to Japan, over which we will level several times and that was the last of the Sunday Game before the winter break :( Well the break should give your two dead partymembers a chance to come up with new and exciting (and depraved) characters at least :D Since recovering their dead bodies in Germany while you're on a boat headed for Japan seems a bit of a long shot yeah new characters on the way